Solar Water Heater
Powerful energy source form SUN!
Medors commands a rich heritage in the non-conventional energy industry with its origin in the very nascent days of solar thermal business in India.
Medors is an innovative Solar Thermal Energy Company, focused on providing energy solutions by using Concentrated Technology. Solar thermal technologies hold significant promise for India with high solar insulation of 4 to 6.5 Kwh / m2 /day for an average of 320 sunny days. Solar water heating system is a commercially viable and technologically mature product which has existed in the country for many years. Yet, against a technical potential of 45 million sq. km. of collector area only a little over 2.5 million sq. km of collector area has been installed. This works out to a little more than 2 sq.m./1000 people as against countries like Israel and Cyprus, which have over 500 sq.m./1000 people.
Additional advantages.
Reliable Design
Triple Safety Protection From All Faults
Increased Efficiency
Competitive Price
One-Package Solution
5 Year Standard Warranty